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- Belgian medal 1870 -1871€ 25,00
- Belgian Army shooting prize€ 10,00
- French Military medal miniature€ 10,00
- Belgian FNI-NVI medal€ 10,00
- American Defense medal ww2€ 20,00
- Volunteer's Medal 1940 –1945€ 15,00
- Belgian War Cross ww1€ 12,50
- Medal 50 years Belgian Congo€ 30,00
- Pair of British leather straps€ 20,00
- Zunderbusche 1€ 10,00
- Zunderbusche 2L€ 10,00
- British wire cutters W.T.€ 25,00 € 20,00
- British wire cutters 1944€ 25,00 € 20,00
- British wire cutters 1940€ 25,00 € 20,00
- US TL-29 pocket knife€ 25,00
- The Greys Silk Cut Cigarette tin€ 15,00 € 10,00